Your trip to things adventurous is what the Passion Play is to Religion.

Vojey moi a la France.

You are original, my friends, the Wanderwells. I admire you!

If you take Doug, you will have to build a little seat and take me!

My best wishes for success.

I would like to go with you, it’s the Life!

I hope you always Wander-well.

Only you could make this journey. Make it with a Ford.

Your motion picture is a boost for good roads.

My personal conduct was looked upon with chagrin by the nuns—uncorrectable. To nourish the yearning for excitement, books became dreams, became diaries, then impromptu dramatic plays with several close chums.

Aloha Wanderwell, Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks
Aloha Wanderwell, Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks
Postcards from Fans
Wanderwell Postcards from Fans

But I was to remember how the confines of a car, its reassuring purr and motion breeds an extraordinary sense of isolation, intimacy… privacy.