Your motion picture is a boost for good roads.

Your trip to things adventurous is what the Passion Play is to Religion.

If you take Doug, you will have to build a little seat and take me!

I would like to go with you, it’s the Life!

You are original, my friends, the Wanderwells. I admire you!

My best wishes for success.

Only you could make this journey. Make it with a Ford.

Vojey moi a la France.

I hope you always Wander-well.

We were off! The whole world was out there. I reaching for it, the world reaching for me—ecstasy—the ravishing thrill.

Aloha Wanderwell, Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks
Aloha Wanderwell, Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks
Postcards from Fans
Wanderwell Postcards from Fans

People cannot comprehend—could never understand me—I’m sure. Something impelled this wanderlust. I would not be detained. Not for riches certainly.